Shoruq Arts summer Camp

  • Shoruq Arts summer Camp

Shoruq Arts summer Camp

Shoruq Organization concluded the Shoruq Arts summer Camp,

 which lasted for 5 days and included a variety of artistic and cultural activities. The camp featured theatrical performances, film screenings, drama workshops, drawing sessions, music classes, and folk dance for children 
Many activities were conducted in the camp like developing the dancers' performance, breaking barriers, enhance self confidence, discipline, theater and drama. It also educated kids about the history of Palestine, Refugee hood, displaced villages, conventions and agreements.

Shoruq’s Art  summer camp is distinguished by its program in motivating kids to express themselves in different ways such as dancing (Dabkeh) throughout the trainings held in the camp. Moreover, this camp made cultural and national histories a central theme for all activities.

to see more photos from our summer camp click here :