Station 75

  • Station 75

Station 75

On May 15th every year, our Palestinian people around the world commemorate the painful memory of the Nakba, which befell the Palestinian people, turning the majority into refugees living in camps and exile far from their cities and villages from which they were forcibly expelled 75 years ago by the massacres committed by Zionist gangs. Today, our Palestinian people commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba at a time when terrorism against our people intensifies in various forms, aiming to impose an authoritarian status quo and obstructing our people's right to establish their independent state with its capital in Jerusalem. This is done through the expansion of settlements, transforming West Bank lands into isolated areas, attempts to Judaize Jerusalem and expel its inhabitants, and most recently, the settlement campaign against our people, especially in Sheikh Jarrah. The policy of persecution and racial discrimination against our people within the 1948 borders continues, along with the ongoing siege on our people in Gaza and the constant threat of aggression against them, in addition to evading the implementation of international legitimacy resolutions, foremost among them being the end of the occupation and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes in accordance with Resolution 194.

As Shoruq Organization, with the approach of the Nakba anniversary, we affirm in the face of all these risks and challenges confronting our people and our cause that the real key to restoring the Palestinian issue and strengthening our stance lies in the necessity of advancing towards completing the reconciliation process, achieving national reconciliation, enhancing national work, and raising awareness of the Palestinian cause both domestically and internationally through the use of various effective and contemporary means, such as modern media in all its components. This includes combating Zionist-controlled and paid media institutions that serve the occupation and colonial settlement on Palestinian lands, which also marginalize our cause.

This comes through unifying national efforts within a clear vision and strategic struggle to educate and empower Palestinian refugee youth culturally and media-wise, equipping them with debating skills and the ability to build strong and convincing arguments to represent Palestine locally and internationally, thus changing the stereotypical image imposed by Zionist and paid media machines serving colonialism and occupation. We see a slow but discernible change in public opinion in many Western countries, particularly in America, where many high-profile figures now advocate for Palestinian rights, ending the occupation, and stopping settlements. This shift is a result of efforts by many political, social, and human rights activists and civil society institutions working to support the Palestinian people and cause.

After 75 years, the Nakba has become a symbol of continuous persecution against the Palestinian people by the racist colonial occupation regime, perpetuated through an apartheid system imposed on all Palestinians, continually reinforced. On the Nakba anniversary, we call on civil society organizations at the local and international levels to continue supporting the Palestinian cause, exposing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people in general and refugees in particular, boycotting the occupation state in all economic and cultural aspects until the end of the occupation, the return of refugees to their forcibly expelled homes, compensation, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem.

As Shoruq Organization, nearing the Nakba anniversary, we salute all our people in the homeland and diaspora, and all those who support our just cause and advocate for our right to return to our homes from which we were expelled, to end the occupation, and to build our independent state. Therefore, we invite you to actively participate in all Nakba commemoration events to affirm to the occupier that we are here to stay, we will not forget the land of our fathers and ancestors, and that the right of return is a sacred right that does not expire.