Shoruq dancing troupe tells the story of Palestinian tragedy and hopes for a better future

  • Shoruq dancing troupe tells the story of Palestinian tragedy and hopes for a better future

Shoruq dancing troupe tells the story of Palestinian tragedy and hopes for a better future

Shoruq dancing troupe was established in 2012 with the efforts of volunteers, trainers and the kids troupe. The troupe is of two generations; the first generation which consists of twenty dancers from both sexes and the second generation consists of twenty five dancers from both sexes.

In fact, the major goal of establishing this troupe is to revive the folkloric Palestinian heritage and to support the Palestinian refugee issue in Palestine and Diaspora. Indeed, most of their dances express the stages that refugees went through in camps especially during the periods of the first Palestinian Intifada. Each dance has its own story that represents the refugees’ suffering between the camp’s alleys and the sounds of shooting.  Moreover, what distinguishes Shuruq dancing troupe is the music that accompanies dances is produced by Shoruq’s media center.  The music is unique and words reflect the story which is needed to reach to audience.

The troupe performs different dances nationally and internationally for the purpose of advocating for refugee rights.  For instance, they performed locally in Dar Al-Nadwa, the Russian center and Right to Return Festival activities. They also participated in International activities in Expo exhibition in Antalya. The troupe will participate in a tour in USA next year.    

Click Here to watch a report about Shoruq dancing troupe.